This week in Stockholm


Täällä rapakon toisella puolella, Tukholmassa, on saatu nauttia auringosta, vaikkakin lämpötila on jäänyt reippaasti hellerajojen alle. Shoppailun lisäks käppäilin uusille alueille ja kokeilin uusia ravintoloita. Kaiken tämän reissaamisen jälkeen en kuitenkaan malta odottaa itse tehtyä ruokaa ja omaa keittiötä!

The weather in Stockholm has been sunny but the temperature has been more like a on a good spring day. This time, in addition to shopping, I visited new places and tried out new restaurants. After all this travelling, I can't really tell you how much I am looking forward to home cooked dinners. 

Gamla Stan - Old Town
A walk around the old town. The down side is thar area is super touristic. 

You can enjoy a nice walk and eat in a garden restaurant (there are several)

❤️: Oona

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