Luokittelen itseni jossain määrin urheiluhulluksi. Harrastan liikuntaa noin neljästi viikossa lähinnä käymällä kuntosalilla. Osittain ehkä tästä johtuen on arki monesti hyvin samankaltaista: tiistai samanlainen kuin torstai -rutiinia. Herään kello 7:00, suihkun ja aamiaisen kautta töihin, klo 17:00 salille ja klo 19:00 illallisen valmistelua ja sitten netflix and chill. Tällä kertaa takana on kuitenkin erilainen viikko ja urheilu on jäänyt vähemmälle. Hiihtoloman kunniaksi kävimme siskojen kanssa syömässä ja katsomassa hömppäelokuvaa "how to be single". Torstai tuntui kuin perjantailta ja olo oli ihan eri tavalla virkitynyt kuin tavallisena torstaina. Viikonloppu oli sitäkin erilaisempi, se kului J:n kanssa vuosijuhlatunnelmissa. Juhlakampaus TS-Salongissa, pikaisesti ostettu iltapuku, juhlameikkausta siskojen viihdyttäessä, uudet korot jalkaan ja menoksi! Suosittelen kaikille lämpimästi rutiinien rikkomista. On se sitten juhlaillallinen vain keskiviikon kunniaksi tai elokuvahetki ystävien kanssa -vaihtelu todella virkistää!
This week has been slightly different. As some of you know, I am passionate about sports and go to the gym about 4 times a week. This results in weeks becoming somewhat a like and a pattern of routines describes most of my weeks. I wake up at 7:00, take a shower, eat breakfast and head to work. After office hours, I head to the gym and work at around 17:00 for about an hour. At 19:00 I eat supper and then the rest of the evening equals more or less netflix and chill. However the past week was different. As most of the people around the city area me and my sisters decided to take a little break from the routines and went to see the how to be singleon Thursday night. Thursday felt more like Friday and I felt so relaxed and happy even The cherry on the top was the annual ball that I attended to with J. I went to the hairdresser, wore make up and an evening gown and we were ready to go! The teaching of this week was that not all weeks have to be the same. Sometimes breaking routines can make you feel so much better than doing the regular things.
This week has been slightly different. As some of you know, I am passionate about sports and go to the gym about 4 times a week. This results in weeks becoming somewhat a like and a pattern of routines describes most of my weeks. I wake up at 7:00, take a shower, eat breakfast and head to work. After office hours, I head to the gym and work at around 17:00 for about an hour. At 19:00 I eat supper and then the rest of the evening equals more or less netflix and chill. However the past week was different. As most of the people around the city area me and my sisters decided to take a little break from the routines and went to see the how to be singleon Thursday night. Thursday felt more like Friday and I felt so relaxed and happy even The cherry on the top was the annual ball that I attended to with J. I went to the hairdresser, wore make up and an evening gown and we were ready to go! The teaching of this week was that not all weeks have to be the same. Sometimes breaking routines can make you feel so much better than doing the regular things.
- 10.27