Toulouse je t'aime
6.47Pidennetty viikonloppu Toulousessa takana. Minilomaan kuului yhdessÀ oloa siskojen kesken, naurua, shoppailua (yllÀri yllÀri) Sephorassa, hyvÀÀ ruokaa ja Petankkia. TÀmÀ Helsingin kokoinen kaupunki on eloisa ja tÀynnÀ kulttuuria. PidemmittÀ puheitta valokuviin ja matkavinkkeihin.
Weekend in Toulouse was fantastic! Lots of laughter, shopping and eating. The city is very lively with lots of culture.
1. Place de Capitole & Centre Ville
The place to do your shopping!
2. Basilique St-Sernin
In Toulouse exhibits are organised even in churches. This exhibitions was explained to us: "Individuals see, feel, hear and smell different things in this." How French is that- I mean not to have one single meaning for anything? Not to spoil the exhibition's secrets, but the amazong thing was the sand whispering a story, and I mean literally.
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