Toulouse je t'aime


Pidennetty viikonloppu Toulousessa takana. Minilomaan kuului yhdessĂ€ oloa siskojen kesken, naurua, shoppailua (yllĂ€ri yllĂ€ri) Sephorassa, hyvÀÀ ruokaa ja Petankkia. TĂ€mĂ€ Helsingin kokoinen kaupunki on eloisa ja tĂ€ynnĂ€ kulttuuria. PidemmittĂ€ puheitta valokuviin ja matkavinkkeihin.


Weekend in Toulouse was fantastic! Lots of laughter, shopping and eating. The city is very lively with lots of culture. 

1. Place de Capitole  & Centre Ville
The place to do your shopping! 

2. Basilique St-Sernin
In Toulouse exhibits are organised even in churches. This exhibitions was explained to us: "Individuals see, feel, hear and smell different things in this." How French is that- I mean not to have one single meaning for anything? Not to spoil the exhibition's secrets, but the amazong thing was the sand whispering a story, and I mean literally.

3. El Borriquito Loco
The best TAPAS in town with a great atmosphere.

4. Les maisons mignons


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